July 2022

What is a Gas Thermometer? According to gas laws, pressure of a gas varies as a linear function of temperature when the volume is kept constant. Similarly volume of a gas varies as a linearRead More →

What is called Resistance Thermometer? A resistance thermometer is a device which uses the resistance of an electrical conductor in measuring the temperature of a source. It is a very accurate temperature sensing device widelyRead More →

What is called a Radiation Thermometer? Radiation thermometer is a non-contact thermometer used to detect the temperature of an object from a far distance. Thermometer absorbs the radiant energy (either visible range or invisible infrared)Read More →

What are Temperature Sensing Devices? The temperature sensing devices are called thermometers which measures the temperature of a body. The temperature of a body is expressed as a number of a particular thermal scale unit.Read More →

What is an Alcohol Thermometer? An alcohol thermometer is a thermometer which uses alcohol as thermometric fluid in the bulb. Bulb of thermometer is filled with alcohol as the temperature sensor. It utilizes the expansionRead More →

What is called a Clinical Thermometer? Clinical thermometer is used for medical treatment purposes to measure the body temperature at different locations of the patient’s body. A clinical thermometer may be of following types –Read More →

What is Infrared Thermometer? An infrared thermometer is a temperature measuring device which measures the infrared radiation energy emitting from a body to get its temperature. Infrared thermometers are sometimes called as laser thermometers asRead More →

What is called Photometry? Photometry is the process of measurement of light characteristics using the technique of light measuring devices. It is used in a number of industries to test the intensity of light producedRead More →

What are Discharge Measuring Devices? The devices and instruments used for the measurement of rate of flow or discharge of a fluid, are called Discharge Measuring Devices. The quantity of the fluid flowing  per unitRead More →

What are Pressure Measuring Devices? Pressure measuring devices are used for measurement of the fluid pressure. Fluid pressure means, the pressure exerted by – – liquids on its boundaries. – gases on its boundaries. TheRead More →

What are called Measuring Devices? Measuring device are the instruments and gauges which are used for measurement of dimensions of any object. The devices used for measurement of mass are called, Mass Measuring Devices. ChoiceRead More →

What is called a Dimension? All physical quantities are expressed in terms of some combination of symbolic representation of fundamental or base quantities. These symbols are called dimension. EXAMPLE – Density of a substance isRead More →

What is SI System of Measurement? SI system i.e., “International System of Units and measurement” is the most popular system of units and measurement. It is a modernized and extended form of the metric systemsRead More →

What is called a Measurement? Measurement is defined as an activity for defining the specifications or quantification of attributes of an object or event. It actually involves an activity of comparison of an unknown quantityRead More →